RFQ Single Federal Audit Services: Request for Qualifications and Quotes closed
Request for Qualifications and Quotes: Single Federal Audit Services
Date of Issuance: October 31, 2024
Proposal Submission Deadline: December 1, 2024
Proposal Submission Deadline Extension: January 17, 2025
Year 1 Work to Commence: Q1 2025
Year 1 Completion: September 1, 2025
A. Overview
The Project: Lamoille FiberNet Communications Union District (“Lamoille FiberNet” “LFCUD” or “CUD”) is requesting quotes from qualified firms of Certified Public Accountants to conduct a single federal audit, including an audit of its financial statements, for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, and at the option of the respondent, a subsequent single federal audit for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2025. LFCUD anticipates that work on the 2024 SFA will commence in 2025; and work for the 2025 SFA will commence in 2026. These services will ensure compliance with federal regulations and the effective use of federal funds received for broadband expansion projects within our districts.
Responses and Deadline: Interested parties shall submit responses in accordance with this RFQ as detailed below. Responses must be submitted as PDF attachments via email to director@Lamoillefiber.net by 5:00 PM on Monday December 2, 2024.
Lamoille FiberNet reserves the right to cancel this RFQ, in whole or in part, at any time. Lamoille FiberNet reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals in its sole discretion. All Proposals shall become the property of Lamoille FiberNet.
Communications and Questions: Please direct all questions regarding this request for proposals to Lisa Birmingham, Executive Director at 802-272-2725 or 802-851-0087 or director@lamoillefiber.net. Please do not contact Board members or the Treasurer.
B. Introduction
Lamoille FiberNet Communications Union District (CUD) is a nonprofit, municipal organization established in 2020 in accordance with Title 30 V.S.A. Chapter 82, to expand broadband services in previously underserved areas. Lamoille FiberNet is comprised of ten Lamoille County Vermont communities: Belvidere, Cambridge, Eden, Elmore, Hyde Park, Johnson, Morristown, Stowe, Waterville and Wolcott. LFCUD’s office is in Morrisville, VT. Our fiscal year runs from January 1 – December 31.
To date, LFCUD funding has primarily been sourced from state and federal grants. Most recently, Lamoille FiberNet was awarded Vermont Community Broadband Board (“VCBB”) Pre-Construction and Construction Grants funded with Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund and Capital Funds (through the American Rescue Plan Act) funds dedicated to broadband deployment for which there is specific federal (Treasury) Guidance.
In 2024, LFCUD implemented a multi-million-dollar construction project in partnership with Consolidated Communications Enterprise Services (“CCI”). The project was funded through the above-referenced grants and contributions from CCI. Hence the need for a single federal audit. For additional information about Lamoille FiberNet, see www.Lamoillefiber.net.
C. Scope of the Work
The CUD wishes to contract for a single federal audit, which will include an audit of its financial statements, for the fiscal years ending December 31, 2024, and December 31, 2025. Such audits will express an opinion on the fair presentation of the financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, and opinions and recommendations as to the conformance with federal grant awards.
Work must be accomplished according to industry standards and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, including: generally accepted auditing standards as set forth by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants; the current standards for financial audits set forth in the U.S. General Accounting Office’s Government Auditing Standards; the provisions of the Single Audit Act of 1984 and the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 (when applicable); the Single Audit requirements for federal awards and relevant Vermont requirements as set forth in 30 VSA §3070, pertaining to Communication Union District audits, or the Vermont Office of Finance and Management rules for state grants and contracts.
The contractor will provide:
- Planning meetings in preparation for the audit
- An audited financial statement in an original digital and hard copy of the Audit Report.
- Preparation of a management letter including a management action plan as a part of the final submission to the Governing Board
- Preparation of relevant documentation for single federal audit and state of Vermont grant compliance
- Consultation with LFCUD’s Treasurer prior to final presentation of the audit to the Board
- Presentation of final audited financial statements and management letter to the Governing Board or its designated board committee.
Lamoille FiberNet’s bookkeeping is on a remotely hosted QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise environment. All of our books and backup materials are stored and backed up in the cloud and will be made available remotely. Our contract accountant, Treasurer and Executive Director will support audit requests. Meetings can occur via video conference or in person if requested.
All working papers and reports shall be retained for a minimum of three years, unless the firm is notified in writing by the Lamoille FiberNet of the need to extend the retention period.
D. Proposal Format
Interested firms shall submit its proposal in three sections: the technical proposal, the cost proposal and an optional expression of interest.
The purpose of the technical proposal is to demonstrate the qualifications, competence and capacity of the firms seeking to undertake the audit of Lamoille Fibernet in conformity with the requirements of this RFQ.
The technical proposal shall provide:
- Background of the firm. The proposer should state the size of the firm, the size of the firm’s governmental auditing staff, and the number and nature of the professional staff to be employed in this engagement.
- MBE or WBE Participation (see certification for in attachment)
- Partner, supervisory and staff qualifications and experience. The proposer should identify the principal supervisory and management staff who would be assigned to the engagement and disclose each person’s government auditing experience.
- Similar engagements with other government entities, and specifically Communications Union Districts or municipal utilities, if any. The proposal shall describe significant engagements performed in the last five years that are similar to the engagement described in this request for proposals.
- Specific audit approach. The proposal should set forth a plan of implementation, including an explanation of the audit methodology to be followed. The work plan should include a description of tasks, estimates of work effort, time budgets, and a detailed breakdown of responsibilities of all audit personnel.
- Acknowledgement of Standard State and Federal Contract terms as required by state and federally funded contracts
- Completion – Capacity and commitment to timely complete SFA in 2025
- References – Name and telephone number of at least two client contacts for references.
The cost proposal should be structured as follows:
- Total all-inclusive maximum price for the engagement for a single year, or
- Total all-inclusive maximum price for two years ending December 31, 2024 and 2025
- Expected (typical) out-of-pocket expenses should described separately and be included in the total all-inclusive maximum price and reimbursement rates
- Expected Contingencies, if any
The Expression of Interest:
Should simply indicate whether the respondent is also interested in providing Single Federal Audit services for other CUDs who have partnered with Consolidated Communications and funded their 2024 construction with state-awarded ARPA funds.
E. Evaluation – Selection Criteria
Proposals will be evaluated by the CUD based on technical qualifications as outlined above and price. The technical qualifications will consider the proposer’s expertise and experience in providing quality audit services and expected capacity of the firm’s professional personnel to timely conduct the audit. The approach of the audit and the plan for implementation will also be considered. Our priority is to contract for auditing 2024; we would like to contract for two contract for two years. Cost may not be the primary factor in the selection of the audit firm.
During the evaluation process, the CUD reserves the right, where it may serve in the CUD’s best interest, to request additional information or clarification from respondents.
F. Notice of Required Contract Provisions
The Audit contract will be funded by state and federal grants. As such, certain contract terms will be required. Please review the attached Lamoille FiberNet Standard Attachments SFLRF State and Federal Grants for such terms.
See also: Appendix Lamoille FiberNet Standard Attachments SFLRF State and Federal Grants.
See also: Attachment C State Contracts and Grants 12.2023