If Fidium doesn’t show that fiber is available for your address, please contact Lamoille FiberNet! Because this is new construction, some addresses are not yet in Fidium’s list.
Fiber Network Construction Schedule in Lamoille County
To see details on which phase of construction your town is in, go to: Fast, Reliable Fiber Internet Service Locations | Fidium Fiber, find your town, and scroll down to the phases. On that page, you can also:
- order or pre-order Fidium fiber internet
- see Fidium’s speeds (also see the Pricing Chart)
This map shows the high-level view of the Phase 1 construction completed in 2024:

Towns |
Stowe, Morristown (brown) |
Johnson, Eden, Hyde Park (turquoise) |
Cambridge, Belvidere, Waterville (olive green) |
Morristown, Hyde Park, Elmore, Wolcott (blue) |
To see the basic pricing, please go to the Pricing Chart.
For questions about installation, go to Underground Service – Lamoille FiberNet.
Still have questions? If you have specific questions or concerns not answered in this info, or are planning new construction, please call Fidium at (877) 769-4771. For other internet-related questions, please contact Fidium at (844) 434-3486.
To volunteer for or get more information about Lamoille FiberNet, please email director@lamoillefiber.net.