Cows grazing in pasture with mountain range and fall foliage in the background.


CONSTRUCTION ALERT: Fiber Expands to Stowe, Eden and Johnson

Construction begins for Lamoille FiberNet CUD as Fidium Fiber expands multi-gig all-fiber internet service to more than 4,800 homes and businesses in Lamoille County, starting with construction in Eden, Johnson and Stowe. Fiber expansion will begin soon in the CUD’s other communities, including Belvidere, Cambridge, Elmore, Hyde Park, Morristown, Waterville and Wolcott, with exact start dates varying by location.

Through this fiber expansion, thousands of local residents and business owners in these towns will have access to Fidium’s multi-gig speed fiber internet service.

This Fidium expansion comes through the public-private partnership with Lamoille FiberNet, which is funding those addresses that have little or substandard broadband service.

The work of installing new fiber optic lines along roads and in public utility areas requires some digging and climbing of utility poles. Crews will be working along the edge of private property within the public right-of-way and/or public utility easements. This work may require some temporary traffic detours, noise and dust, and paint markings and/or flags may be placed in areas where construction is active. Flags will be removed once work is complete in each area. Crews will work quickly, clean up after themselves and will aim to minimize any disruption.

We know this work could be inconvenient for our communities and appreciate your patience while we upgrade neighborhoods to 100% fiber internet. More information on the fiber build progress will be shared with town and city officials, as well as residents. Mailers, door hangers and construction alerts will be distributed to keep the public informed, and Fidium representatives will be visiting neighborhoods to share more about what to expect during construction and how to sign up to be the first notified as soon as service is ready to install.

To see the maps showing the general area where construction will take place in these communities, go to:

Eden and Johnson:

Map of construction area in Eden and Johnson


Map of construction area in Stowe

Residents with specific construction questions or concerns should contact (877) 769-4771.

To learn more about the fiber internet construction process and sign up for updates on our progress, visit To check your address for service availability, visit

Every home and business in our territory will be connected to fast, reliable internet service. 

To prioritize access of unserved and underserved addresses to symmetrical, high-speed, and affordable internet service – as soon as possible. 

For more info about Lamoille FiberNet, go to


Lamoille FiberNet Media Contact:
Lisa Birmingham, 802-851-0087, director@LamoilleFiber.Net

Fidium/Consolidated Communications Media Contacts:
Kyle Thweatt, 802-651-0154,
Nicole Elton, 510-316-1430,  

Map of Lamoille County, showing Lamoille FiberNet's 10 towns.

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