Lamoille FiberNet is growing — Stowe is newest addition
January 18, 2021 – The Stowe Selectboard voted to join the Lamoille FiberNet Communications Union District, a municipal entity formed in July 2020 for the purpose of making locally controlled, affordable and reliable high-speed internet service available to every address within its member towns.
The eight towns that now comprise the Lamoille FiberNet district are Belvidere, Cambridge, Eden, Hyde Park, Johnson, Morristown, Stowe, and Waterville.
“We are delighted to welcome the town of Stowe to our communications union district,” said Larry Lackey, the Treasurer of Lamoille FiberNet. “The towns in the district will have greater capabilities bring adequate internet access service to all households in the region by working together.
Data presented in a recent feasibility study conducted by the Lamoille County Planning Commission by Tilson Technology Management determined that over 4,500 addresses (40%) within the eight-town district lack access to adequate internet service, based on the minimum standards defined by the Federal Communications Commission. Over 600 of those locations are located in Stowe. Lamoille FiberNet plans to work collaboratively with Stowe Cable Systems & Stowe Communications to expand high-speed internet access in Stowe.
Stowe will be represented on the Lamoille FiberNet Governing Board by Stephen Friedman, with Chris Foran and Scott Weathers as alternates.
The mission of Lamoille FiberNet Communications Union District (LFCUD) is to make locally controlled, affordable and reliable high-speed internet service available to every address in our member towns. For more info, go to