Cows grazing in pasture with mountain range and fall foliage in the background.


Utility pole assessment completed for Lamoille FiberNet CUD

January 29, 2021 – A utility pole assessment commissioned by Lamoille FiberNet CUD has been completed, moving the CUD one step closer to the buildout of their fiber optic broadband network.

The assessment covered certain routes in the towns of Waterville, Belvidere, and Eden, as well as north Johnson and part of Cambridge, and 2,924 poles were surveyed in total.
The pole assessment was carried out by Matrix Design Group, a New Jersey-based engineering firm which responded to a request for proposals issued by Lamoille FiberNet. Using data from the pole assessment, Lamoille FiberNet can begin the design and engineering phase of the project, as well as develop a concrete business plan for initial buildout in those areas over the next two to three years.

“During the pole assessment, Matrix engineers visited each pole on foot to gather essential data, including precise pole GPS location, pole height and who owns the pole,” noted Lea Kilvadyova, Lamoille FiberNet Clerk. “Before new fiber can be attached to the poles, in some cases, the existing cables will need to be relocated. The pole assessment provided an estimate of the cost required for attaching fiber,” noted Lea Kilvadyova, Lamoille FiberNet Clerk. Lamoille FiberNet will use the information gathered during the pole assessment to apply to each pole owner for permission to install fiber on the poles.“

The mission of Lamoille FiberNet Communications Union District (LFCUD) is to make locally controlled, affordable and reliable high-speed Iiternet service available to every address in our member towns. For more info, go to

Cows grazing in pasture with mountain range and fall foliage in the background.

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