Your questions answered!
Many thanks to those of you who submitted questions — we have tried to answer them below. But first, three important things to keep in mind:
Where: Lamoille FiberNet is partnering with Consolidated Communications to bring Fidium Fiber internet services to areas which have no or substandard internet service. Our grant funding does not allow us to serve everyone on every road; we are focused on the unserved and underserved.
When: Construction will begin in some towns in mid-May, others will start in June. Construction will continue through early fall. We will be posting general construction schedules to our website, so you’ll have an idea when your town or area is being built. While you may be able to pre-register, you will NOT be able to order service until construction in your area is complete.
What: Construction funding is only for the distribution network — i.e., the roads and pathways to reach your home/business — it will not include driveways or access to private property without permission from owners or, in some cases, from homeowners’ associations. Installations can be scheduled after construction is complete and only if you order service.
Finally, please remember, this is a work in progress. We will continue to post new information as we receive it.
I have questions about this high-speed internet service….
Q. Who will be my service provider — Lamoille FiberNet or Fidium?
A. Fidium will be the service provider.
Q. Do we have to switch to Fidium if we’re happy with our DSL service?
A. It’s your choice. While you’re not required to switch at this point, we recommend moving to the superior Fidium Fiber service (where/when available), for an improved overall experience of accessing and using the internet.
Q. What equipment will come with standard service? Will we need a new modem?
A. Consolidated (CCI) is all about providing a choice to the customer. You can either choose to bring your own device or opt to use the one provided by Fidium. More details are available here: However, it is highly recommended that customers use Fidium-provided equipment, to ensure that the home network is safe and secure (Fidium’s equipment is regularly updated with the latest software), in addition to getting the advantage of managing the home network through their Attune app.
Q. Will we need a signal booster if we have a large house?
A. CCI technicians will recommend whether you need an extender at the time of installation. Homes that are multi-level or have concrete/thick walls or are more than 2000 sq. ft. in area will most likely need extenders to ensure optimum Wi-Fi coverage across the home. CCI offers extenders (as many needed) to customers for a flat monthly fee of $10 or for FREE with a 2G plan.
Q. If my road has poles, will the fiber network use those poles?
A. Yes, the fiber is either installed on poles (aerial construction) or via underground conduit.
Q. Can the new fiber lines be run through the existing underground conduits that bring our current telephone lines to the house, assuming they are still in good shape?
A. Yes, the fiber line can be run through existing communications conduit, provided it’s not obstructed.
Q. Is there anything that needs to be done to inside my house or premises to prepare for running these lines before the installation crew shows up?
A. Other than ensuring there are electrical outlets for the ONT (i.e., optical network terminal—the device that converts fiber optic signals into electrical signals for your devices) and gateway (i.e., the combined modem and router), and that the technician has a clear path to run the lines internally and externally, there is nothing else needed for preparation. Consolidated can help you determine whether any other in-house prep work is needed.
Please remember that the construction project will build the distribution network in the roads — not the driveways, and not on private property without permission from owners or, in some cases, homeowners’ associations.
Construction of the underground or aerial “drops” — i.e., bringing service from the network to your premises — will happen only when you order service.
What will this new service cost?
Q. Are there any additional costs associated with this type of upgrade?
A. If your premises are on DSL today and you are moving to Fidium, then the installation is FREE. However, your monthly amount may change, depending on the plan you choose.
You can see Fidium’s product and price information by finding your town in the Vermont section of this page: Fast, Reliable Fiber Internet Service Locations | Fidium Fiber.
Q. How much will a “drop” cost?
As mentioned above, a “drop” is the connection from the roadway pole or pedestal to your premises. The Fidium/Lamoille partnership provides a very generous drop policy — one of the most generous drop policies in the fiber industry. In this policy, Fidium will not charge for aboveground (i.e., aerial) drops on existing poles or for up to 500 feet of new underground fiber. If you need more than 500 feet underground but have an existing usable telephone line conduit, Fidium will make longer underground runs, subject to limits based on specific conditions. Although new underground conduit of more than 500 feet will be the property owner’s sole responsibility, Fidium will run the fiber line in the conduit at no cost once your conduit is in place.
We will soon have more news on managing underground drops and nonstandard installations.
I‘m curious about VoIP — using fiber to make phone calls
Q. What is VoIP?
A. Voice Over Internet Protocol is an updated technology to replace your traditional landline. Using your fiber internet connection, you can use a phone to call people.
Q. Will we need new phones if we have VoIP?
A. You can use an existing (analog) phone to make and receive calls over VoIP.
Q. Will we need to buy new phones even if we don’t choose VoIP?
A. You don’t have to, as long as they are working and are in good condition.
Q. Will VoIP work with Lifeline?
A. Yes, you can apply your Lifeline discount to any Fidium Service, either internet or VoIP.
Q. Will VoIP work if our house has two lines (one business, one home)?
A. Yes. You can have two lines working over VoIP through Fidium.
Q. Will VoIP work during power outages?
A. VoIP does need power to work, because it relies on an active-powered-modem to work. However, you can purchase a backup battery. See
Will Fidium contact me when service is available in my area?
Q. Will Fidium installation techs be going door-to-door, urging people to sign up?
A. Consolidated has dedicated sales partners who do go door-to-door to promote and sell their superior Fidium service. Once you’ve ordered the new service, then installation techs will complete the installation and ensure that the service is up and running.
More Fidium FAQs are here:
More Lamoille FiberNet FAQs are here: Frequently Asked Questions – Lamoille FiberNet.
OUR VISION: Every home and business in our territory will be connected to fast, reliable internet service.
OUR MISSION: To prioritize access of unserved and underserved addresses to symmetrical, high speed, and affordable internet service – as soon as possible.