Cows grazing in pasture with mountain range and fall foliage in the background.

RFP for Design and Construction closed

Date of Issue: May 11, 2022
Application Deadline: May 27, 2022, 10:00 pm

Executive Summary

Lamoille FiberNet Communications Union District (“Lamoille FiberNet”) referred to as “The CUD” seeks the most qualified respondent to provide fiber broadband network design and construction management services. The intent of this RFP is to identify and enter into an Agreement with the most qualified respondent to satisfy the requirements of Lamoille FiberNet. The successful respondent, herein referred to as Vendor, will provide services to the CUD to reach our goal of leveraging federal funding, private equity and municipal revenue bonds to provide universal high-speed broadband access through FTTP to every grid-tied residential and business address in Vermont’s Lamoille County.

This document outlines the vision including the specific roles and responsibilities of The CUD and Vendor. It describes the scope of work, a provisional schedule, and the technical and operational standards that guide the execution. The document also outlines the process and timeframe for response to the Request for Proposal, as well as the process for selection. There is a set of criteria that will need to be addressed in any response to this Request for Proposal. Respondents are advised to provide any additional material that would benefit The CUD in the decision-making process.

Roles and Responsibilities

The CUD has primary responsibility to define the scope of work, and with input from Vendor, to establish the technical, operational, and reliability standards for the design and build. The CUD will establish the governance processes by which The CUD will oversee Vendor’s work in order to ensure that the work fulfills all requirements, conforms with all aspects of the agreement, and serves the best interest of Lamoille FiberNet communities and customers. Vendor shall have primary responsibility to accomplish the scope of work by designing, engineering, and managing the construction of the fiber network. Vendor shall provide or contract to provide all labor, materials, software, expertise, processes, tools, LamoilleFiberNet|POBox1637,31 Lower Main,Morrisville,VT05661|802.696.9025 | equipment, and any other resources necessary to fulfill these responsibilities.

Vendor shall coordinate interactions with governmental authorities and public utilities that are necessary to accomplish the scope of work, with the appropriate assistance of The CUD. The CUD shall arrange with municipal authorities or private interests for easements for and access to suitable sites for central hubs and local hubs for the distribution network.

For proposals in which two or more respondents collaborate to perform the entire scope of work, the respondents shall designate a lead respondent that will represent all the collaborating respondents and with which The CUD may negotiate and sign a comprehensive, yet separate agreement.