Cows grazing in pasture with mountain range and fall foliage in the background.


Lamoille FiberNet / Fidium Fiber – What do you want to know? 

As you likely saw in your Town Report, Lamoille FiberNet has had a very exciting time this past year – and 2024 will be even more so as we build our network and symmetrical, high-speed internet becomes widely available in Lamoille County.  Our Phase I plan is that 85% of the on-grid, unserved and underserved addresses in Lamoille County will have high-speed internet access by the end of 2024.*    

The advent of fiber optic internet service will bring change – and with change come questions. Lamoille FiberNet is developing a robust Q&A section on its website to help people understand the fiber optic internet service that Consolidated Communications, Inc./Fidium Fiber will be bringing to our county – and to do this right, we need your help.  What questions do you have? What information do you need? 

For example, here are some questions we have received: 

  • What is VoIP (voice over internet protocol)? 
  • Will VoIP work with Lifeline?  
  • Will VoIP work if our house has two lines (one business, one home)?  
  • Will my Internet service and VoIP work during power outages?  
  • Do we have to switch to fiber internet if we’re happy with our current service?  
  • What equipment will come with standard service?  
  • Will Fidium installation techs be going door-to-door to urge people to sign up?  

(We realize the BIG question is: “When will I get service?”  This one will be answered when the engineering and network design is finalized; towns will be notified when construction will occur. To stay updated on the progress, sign up for Lamoille FiberNet’s mailing list.) 

Please send your questions to info@lamoillefiber.netwe will post questions and answers anonymously on our website ( and in Front Porch Forum.  Thank you! 

OUR VISION: Every home and business in our territory will be connected to fast, reliable internet service. 

OUR MISSION:  To prioritize access of unserved and underserved addresses to symmetrical, high speed, and affordable internet service – as soon as possible.  

*To see if your address is in Phase I (I.e., the 2024 build), please contact our Construction Engineer, Fabian Bourgeois ( 

Image of earth with a stream of fiber optics shooting past.

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