Lamoille FiberNet officially launched
Lamoille County, VT, July 14, 2020 – The official organizational meeting of the Lamoille FiberNet Communications Union District (Lamoille FiberNet) was held on July 14, 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting took place virtually through the Zoom online platform.
The charter towns involved in the founding of the Lamoille FiberNet are:
- Cambridge
- Hyde Park
- Johnson
- Morristown
- Waterville
The Lamoille FiberNet governing board includes a representative from each town, and more board members will be added as the Lamoille FiberNet expands to include other towns. The Communications Union District was made possible by 2015 legislation, 30 V.S.A.₴ 3051, as part of the State’s efforts to expand the accessibility of broadband in Vermont.
The mission of Lamoille FiberNet Communications Union District (LFCUD) is to make locally controlled, affordable and reliable high-speed Internet service available to every address in our member towns.