Cows grazing in pasture with mountain range and fall foliage in the background.


How To Get Ready for Installation of Fiber Internet Service

Lamoille FiberNet’s partner, Fidium Fiber, has begun building and will be ready to install high-speed fiber internet service late summer and early fall. This article provides information about pre-ordering and preparing for installation. Please note: this is general information — there will always be exceptions.

When will I get service?

Although the trucks are out now, you will be able to schedule installation to your home or business only when the service in your neighborhood has been activated. Because multiple factors could impact construction, we cannot give precise dates when service on any given road will be available. To see your town’s map and timetable for the 2024 Phase I construction, go to: Phase 1 Map and Schedule? – Lamoille FiberNet. Generally, service installation will be available in late summer or early fall.

How do I pre-order?
You can pre-order by providing your address and contact information online at For specific pre-order info, click your town in this list: Belvidere, Cambridge, Eden, Elmore, Hyde Park, Johnson, Morristown, Stowe, Waterville and Wolcott. Pre-ordering does not commit you to purchasing service, but it does ensure that you will receive a call from Fidium when your area is activated. Then you can schedule an installation if you choose. If your address does not show up on Fidium’s website, contact You can see basic pricing in the Pricing Chart.

What do I need to do to get ready for installation?

That depends on if you are in situation 1, 2, or 3 below:

IDMy house/business…What to do
1Has existing telephone poles or conduit that Consolidated has used for a phone line or DSL.*Pre-order! When Fidium calls, arrange an installation date.  Installation is free.
2Does not have existing telephone poles or conduit and is 500 feet or less from the pole line/road.Pre-order! When Fidium calls, arrange an installation date.  Installation is free.
3Does not have existing telephone poles or conduit and is more than 500 feet from the pole line/road.Reach out to a contractor about placing conduit on your property that can be used for fiber. Fidium requires conduit that is 2-inch PVC with a pull box every 450 feet.

*If your copper phone line or DSL line is direct buried or if poles or conduit are heavily damaged and unusable Consolidated will not be able to use them and will treat the installation as either line 2 or 3 depending on the length of the drop.

If you are in Situation 3, many landscaping services, excavation and construction companies can assist you with underground conduit installation — please see our website for a partial list of local companies: If you have other concerns or are planning new construction, please call Fidium at (877) 769-4771. 

What is expedited installation?

When you pre-order, you will be given an option to select “Expedited Installation.” Expedited Installation allows Fidium to bring the fiber from the roadway pole or pedestal to the outside of your house/business — using the existing Consolidated phone line path — and place a box, ready for installation to enable a faster installation. You do not have to be present for this work to occur, but as a courtesy, they’ll do their best to contact you before they arrive. (Renters, please check with your landlord.) 

Pre-ordering or choosing expedited service does not oblige you to order service; you will still need to place an order and set an indoor installation appointment once service is available.


Every home and business in our territory will be connected to fast, reliable internet service.


To prioritize access of unserved and underserved addresses to symmetrical, high-speed, and affordable internet service – as soon as possible.

For more info about Lamoille FiberNet, go to

Woman working on laptop, sitting on couch next to a dog.

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