Cows grazing in pasture with mountain range and fall foliage in the background.


November 23, 2021
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When will I be able to get fiber internet service from Lamoille FiberNet? What takes so long?

November 23, 2021 – When will I be able to get fiber internet service from Lamoille FiberNet? What takes so long? Well, we are glad you asked! Here are the general steps the Lamoille FiberNet and the other Vermont CUDs (Communications Union Districts) must take to bring “fiber to the premise” (FTTP) and provide high-speed internet service to rural Vermont.
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November 2, 2021
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Free public Wifi hotspots in Lamoille 

November 2, 2021 – Did you know there are a number of places in Lamoille that offer free, publicly accessible WiFi? The Department of Public Services assembled a list of all such locations in March 2020 and maintains a map of them on their website. All these sites are publicly accessible at all hours and are completely free to use, though some may have a (publicly available) password.  
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October 26, 2021
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DSL, cable and fiber. What’s the difference?

October 25, 2021 – DSL, cable, fiber – what is all this stuff? When the Internet was new, getting connected was a luxury.   The sound of a modem negotiating a “handshake” to the answering modem was exciting.   Everyone’s speeds were very similar unless you were one of the lucky folks who could afford ISDN or a T1 connection.    
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